Start to enjoy feedback now with our structured guide

Have you found yourself in situations where offering feedback seems essential but also presents a challenge, particularly when conveying critical points? 

How often do you find yourself weighing the decision to express your thoughts versus letting the moment pass?

Explore the art of purposeful conversations for delightful Interactions and performance.

Embrace the power of feedback starting now.
Ebook contents

What you'll find inside

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where offering feedback seemed essential but also presented a challenge, especially when critical points needed to be conveyed? How often do you find yourself deliberating whether to express your thoughts or let the moment pass?

You're not alone if you find giving feedback uncomfortable. 

According to researchers at Harvard Business School, nearly 70% of managers express discomfort when communicating with employees.

Many managers express a distinct dislike for, or even hate giving feedback, often to the point of avoiding it altogether. This aversion is usually rooted in the discomfort associated with potentially negative reactions or the fear of damaging relationships. The anxiety over how feedback might be perceived can lead to missed opportunities for individual’s growth and team’s potentials.

Though feedback sounds almost scary to many, the process of providing feedback, as well as communicating with employees and colleagues, does not need to be viewed as a daunting task. In fact, when handled correctly, it can transform into a delightful, enriching, and genuinely enjoyable experience. Feedback, when delivered with the right intent and in the appropriate manner, can be one of the most powerful tools for fostering professional development and building trust.

Download your copy of our eBook today and start to practice structure feedback today!

Expert advice

Inside, you'll find expert advice on how to cultivate performance with purposeful conversations, to help ease the challenges you may face about feedback, and make feedback a positive experience.

Structured approach

You will learn step-by-step a structured approach to enforce positive behaviours, and seize development opportunities for continuous growth in individuals and teams.

Tips on feedback

You can explore different ways you can develop new skills and enhance your existing ones. We'll provide you with practical tips for pursuing professional development opportunities.

A word from the author

Over the years, my career has spanned multiple industries, allowing me the privilege of collaborating with numerous leaders.

A recurring challenge encountered by many of these leaders is how to effectively handle feedback. In my work, closely supporting leaders through coaching and mentoring initiatives, I've had the chance to introduce the CORNS model, featured in this guide, to a significant number of them.

Our data shows that numerous leaders appreciate having a structured model as a starting point. This framework aids them in transitioning from conscious awareness to unconscious competence in their leadership practices.

Evelyn Tian

Evelyn Tian is an Advanced Certified Mentor Coach (ACMC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and Certified Coach Supervisor. She is also a Certified Performance Coach, Certified Master Coach with focuses on behavioral based coaching.

She has been mentoring agile coaches and professional coaches since 2011, and some of her mentees are current active ACC, PCC, Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), and Certified Team Coach (CTC) holders. As of Nov, 2023, she has supported practitioners from 80 countries. 

She is a Chinese Canadian Swede, who has worked and lived in North America, Asia and Europe. Cross culture coaching on teams and executives is one of her speciality.
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